Clothing with H
- Hoodie
- Halter top
- Headband
- Heels
- High heels
- Handbag
- Hose
- Handkerchief
- Helmet
- Hairband
- Hijab
- Hairnet
- Hair tie
- hand gloves
- Head scarf
- Reklama
- Hood
- High waisted jeans
- Hermes
- Hair band
- hot pants
- Hot pants
- Hosiery
- Hair net
- head band
- high heels
- Hoodies
- hoop skirt
- Halter
- Hula Skirt
- High tops
- Headdress
- headphones
- Hair clip
- hip huggers
- Hoop earrings
- Housecoat
- hiking boots
- High waisted pants
- Hipster jeans
- Hair pin
- High socks
- hoody
- headwear
- Hard Hat
- Hugo boss
- High rise jeans
- head scarf
- Hand warmers
- Hut
- Halter neck top
- harness
- Hand glove
- hand bag
- High low dress
- Hammer pants
- headgear
- High Tops
- Hipsters
- Hurley
- High top
- Reklama
- Hairpiece
- Halter tops
- Half shirt
- Hot pink shirt
- Hermes scarf
- Hem
- Hair wig
- harem pants
- hanky
- High top sneakers
- Halter neck
- Head dress
- Head wrap
- Hip hugger jeans
- Hemp
- hoops
- hiphuggers
- hair bow
- Halterneck
- Hemp shirt
- hooded sweatshirt
- High waist jeans
- Hay
- Hot dress
- High wasted jeans
- Halloween Costume
- high heel
- hush puppies
- Hair scarf
- high top shoes
- hair clips
- Halter dress
- house coat
- house shoes
- hair clip
- hardhat
- High waisted shorts
- Hair Band
- Henley shirt
- Heavy jacket
Slova v seznamu Clothing with H pochází od hráčů slovní hry Jméno, město, zvíře, věc.