City or town with L
- London
- Los Angeles
- Las Vegas
- Lima
- Liverpool
- Lisbon
- Lincoln
- Lexington
- Lancaster
- Lagos
- Lucknow
- Lyon
- Leicester
- Leeds
- Leipzig
- Reklama
- Little Rock
- Lansing
- Lahore
- Lille
- Lafayette
- long beach
- Limerick
- Luxembourg
- Leon
- Long Island
- Lakewood
- Laguna
- Livingston
- Lawrence
- Leningrad
- Ludhiana
- Lowell
- Lethbridge
- Laredo
- Lakeland
- Los Angles
- Littleton
- Lake City
- Leominster
- Lithgow
- Laguna Beach
- Lakeside
- Loveland
- Limburg
- Lausanne
- Lubbock
- Los Gatos
- Lewisville
- Luxembourg City
- Luanda
- Luneburg
- Lakeville
- Lakeview
- Laramie
- Linden
- Laurel
- Laval
- Los Angels
- Logan
- Langston
- Reklama
- Lisle
- Lewisburg
- Litchfield
- Lewiston
- Lourdes
- Las Cruces
- lizbona
- Lancashire
- Lusaka
- Lodi
- Loyola
- Los Altos
- Leiden
- Llandudno
- Lisburn
- Leavenworth
- Lompoc
- L.A
- Los Vegas
- Ljubljana
- Libreville
- leskovac
- Lucerne
- Levin
- larnaca
- Liege
- luksemburg
- Los angelas
- Lubin
- Libya
- lake placid
- Libertyville
- Las Angeles
- Lockport
- Longford
- Liberty
- Lyons
- Lviv
- Leticia
Slova v seznamu City or town with L pochází od hráčů slovní hry Jméno, město, zvíře, věc.